Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Child Abuse. Torment at the hands of one’s parents is far too horrible an ordeal to make fun. So we won’t go into that. Instead we should tackle weird experiences at the hands of parent-substitutes-nannies, governess, yayas.
Childhood Repression. According to Freud and his cohorts we carry our early traumas around with us for the rest of our lives. For instance, if your parents spank you for playing doctor with the neighborhood kids, this may ruin your sex life forever.
Where does people blame life in today’s generation?
Life is worth when everything is polish. But life is dismal when it gives us additional problem. People in today’s generation experience “bad luck”. They blame the universe on whatever things they may do that look dull. Screw up spectacularly of whatever reason will it be. Perhaps they want a vital for their good fortune. People are not contented, somewhat greedy and wanted all. All of earth’s gift. Blaming what we know is inappropriate is what we do. Give series of explanation. Associating is one like determining your luck through Feng Shui, some astrology and your “Karma”. It is possible also to blame your parents because of insufficient role models, some child abuse that the nation is still on question you may say it is because of childhood suppression. Like for example when your house is located on a dead end street, your luck will be obstructed and misfortune shall befall you. If you’re an entrepreneur and you sit in your office with your back at the door, it would look like snubbing those lucky energies and they will not come to you, Feng Shui is particularly a handy excuse when one fails on a business. Astrology on one side provides excuse for dysfunctional relationships. If you bicker constantly, you may blame this for the fact that your planets are in opposition. The concept of Karma comes in handy situation. You elevate you yourself from a silly failure to a noble failure. You may use a convenient all-purpose excuse because the role model doesn't have its proponents and you should admit it. Child Abuse plays important role when you become an intolerant boor, you can use excuses as your nanny tortured you for not making a good decision
Many effects was on me when I read the whole article. I felt guilt guilt of saying that we are not permitted to be what we want to be. Yayas, nannies, governesses gives us the reason to blame our parents because they stole our world. Our world that we're going to build in order for us to grow in our own way and following our directions and decisions in life. There's always a positive effect on whatever is in the mind of the every child. O feel courage Courage to show that we children have our rights in committing mistakes. A feeling of frustration is what I feel because people are now blaming other things just to conclude that they were in position and everything is right. No need to overdo it. . .
The parts that is needed to be improve here is the sense of humans feeling on blaming other things because of their downfalls and misfortune. We should not associate it to other things for the reason that we did it because it is our desire. Well, there's improvements. We can use this as a sign , we are alarmed not to do it again because it is wrong and inappropriate. Lastly, our housekeepers abuse. As a child, you have nothing to expect about but a weird imagination because of circling ideas. Being a second hand we should inculcate our youngs the proper way in dealing about this problem But we should not put too much that even a child needs to suffer. The strengths in this topic is that we learn to be in our state of mind. We learn to use our mistake in a good way and we learned to develop confidence in dealing problems.
I interviewed some critics about their reaction in blaming about the universe's fault. They answered that it is essential for a person to blame others in order for you to become faultless. You can do other things just to survive. But you need to think of the possible consequences therefore guilt is a emotion you will bear. Many young people do this for the sake of their pleasure without thinking twice, but then that are their decisions and we have nothing to do with that. I then had a voyage in interviewing children about their reaction regarding on the abuse of nannies. They simply said that it is their choice to choose, their parents are their guides but they can't stop telling it's their parent's fault if they do so. Yes, I affirm to their statement may it be from the young ones to the elderly. Basically, we need to think twice in dealing serious problems, we don't need to say that it is his/her fault. We need to have a presence of mind in dealing in this just think if we blame all of those things without thinking?
The values I learned in this topic is having a positive thought no matter what problems may arise, this will help me survive all toils. Having a positive thought means you are positive in everything. Every now and then misfortune is getting worst. But with the help of this I can say that I will survive. In one side, I learned to be conscious. I am aware of what is happening, presence of mind. Know the cause and its possible effect. Take an action that are sensible too. Lastly, I learned to be true, I learned not to believe in superstitions because it makes my problem more critical. I learned to believe in my capacity and abilities. Forget the blame even though it is hard. Actions are actions, face the future and say, “I will survive”
Exactly all of these values are needed in my total development because it helps me to stand where I should belong. Survive all trials because I believe in the values I've learned standing firmly and facing everything means you have applied the values in in its proper place.
The general idea of my topic is the Degree of Guilt, Blame and Fault. I arrived with this word because people now has their own degree in committing their own guilt, fault and blame. They could screw up spectacularly on whatever they wanted just to remain innocent.
The general idea is related to the present situation of the government in the way that people in the Philippines knows how to defend themselves, even if they know this are wrong. People need to pass the blame so that they will not bear their mistake but perhaps pass it to a meek person just to be sure to be blame-flee. Nevertheless if we did acts of deceiving there's always a way. This means that we may hide it, but then it'll be discovered. Like now, many crimes are committed, everyone should be innocent in the eyes of the superiors in order to be relieved Everyone has a story to tell but in the end, Justice and Freedom will reward us. Without this, how could anyone live?
Sometimes there's just one step to go before we yield to sin, but God will help us to say no if we trust in His powers.
The general result of my analysis is broadly between a sinner and a holder. If you are a sinner it is better to admit it before it's too late. But when holder falls on you, you should not give it up, God has His own ways. We need to fight and seek the guidance of our Lord.
Guilt is an emotion that can weigh us down whenever we cross a moral boundary. All of us are capable of feeling guilty when we violate the laws God written in our hearts. If we continue to sin willfully, however we will dull our conscience.
The article of Zafra, though not essential, we need to put our initiative. This is a good example of a Biblical Principle. Whatever we sow, we will certainly reap. When we feel temptation, we need to listen to our conscience. Not try to silence it. It's far better to avoid committing an act we will last regret than to live with the consequences.


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